Episode 4.8: Motherfu @#’#rs Basement

Published: Feb. 10, 2014, 1:34 p.m.

Episode 4.8: Motherfu @#’#rs Basement In which Mike Royce reveals the worst celebrity stomach in Hollywood, argues why Lex Luthor needs to be a certain kind of slap head, and knows that Vertigo was never really a problem. Kris Heys arranges an interview with a man whose penis has been severed, wants the lo-down on Monkey and his theme tune, and wonders whether Marmalade Atkins ever made it past the upper atmosphere. Starburst Shauna just tweets rude pics. The Adventure Game is fondly remembered, it’s time for the latest Red Bull News, and who ripped off Starburst for four grand? [The Video Dead is now available on DVD] All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International