Episode 4.16: Timecock

Published: April 18, 2014, 8:02 p.m.

Episode 4.16: Timecock In which Mike Royce tosses the flop, forgets a major Starburst advertiser, then attempts to save the day with the top 10 "seminal" sci-fi movies of all time. Kris Heys recovers from the aftermath of "Macbookmeggon", reveals the merging of the Spider-man and X-Men movies, and discusses his pioneering plan to open a VHS rental shop! Starburst FINALLY delivers a letters page, Divergent is reviewed, hippo boobies cause offence, what are the triumvirate of Sean Connery classics?, and what’s goin on with Johnny Carpenter. It’s a slow news day at Starburst, and the cracks show pretty much everywhere... All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International