Episode 4.1: Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-EwEw-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-EwEw-Ew

Published: Dec. 5, 2013, 9 p.m.

The Starburst Radio Podcast - Episode 4.1: Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-EwEw-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-Ew-EwEw-Ew In which Kris Heys gives us the low down on Britt Ekland’s bum, introduces us to the new Wonder Woman - Gal Ga Wotsit, shortly before turning into Steve Zizzou. Mike Royce describes the outbreak of Tesco Machete Madness, issues all the Starburst shelf warriors with a call to arms, before having a total meltdown over the life story of Igor. Starburst Shauna gets binned early doors for her "genre dirty dancing", the secret pop sensation of S.H.I.E.L.D. is revealed, and Captain Muslim has his premiere, as Starburst Radio settles into its new home at Fab Radio International. All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International