Episode 10.02: The Kids from "It"

Published: Nov. 30, 2019, 11:19 p.m.

10.02: The Kids from "It" In which Kris is not impressed with Rob Zombie’s ‘Poochie’ and introduces extraterrestrial television to the UK. Martin finally finds a movie to rave about then unfortunately also finds some footage to help with his adult-orientated 3D downtime. Mike is pleased that Netflix seems to be finally living up to its name and then gets triggered by the arrogance of the latest pseudo-sequel. Cheeseboards and pub lunches evolve, Midsommar bellends get outed, and both Jay and Bob are silent in dear old Blighty. [*Featuring a special interview with the original child stars from the 1990 It tv mini-series] *Show first broadcast on Wed 27th November 2019 All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International.