Episode 60 - Whatever Deity May Guide My Life, Dear Lord, Don't Let Me Die Tonight

Published: Feb. 20, 2012, 7:01 a.m.

b"The long awaited crossover between Star Joes and the What's On Joe Mind is finally here. The guys all get together to talk what has been happening in the world of G.I. Joe comics, what figures they would like to see come out of the comics, and how much longer Hama may be giving us his G.I. Joe goodness. Later in the episode the guys are joined by Craig from Fwooshcast as they talk about G.I. Joe: Retaliation and the new toys that were announced. So enjoy this epic crossover months in the making.\\n\\nYou can find the What's On Joe MInd? podcast at:\\xa0http://whatsonjoemind.podbean.com/\\n\\nYou can find the Fwooshcast podcast at:\\xa0http://fwooshcast.thefwoosh.com/"