Guide to Life Clarity with Lynne Brisdon

Published: March 22, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

b'Aired Wednesday, 21 March 2018 at 4:00 PM EST / 1:00 PM PST

Guide to Life Clarity with Lynne Brisdon

Standing in the Sunlight guest Lynne Brisdon of Living In Vision shares wisdom from her Guide to Life Clarity. Join us as we walk through her step-by-step approach to illuminate the path to your greatest future.

If you\\u2019re in a transition phase of your life and not sure what your next steps are, you\\u2019ll gain insights on how to move forward. Even if you\\u2019re feeling stuck, or that your life has become a complicated muddle, there is a way out.

Most of us are so caught up in just keeping life on track it\\u2019s difficult to find the time and space to take a step back and reflect on the bigger picture. We also get caught in feeling safer with the ways things are than facing the uncertainty of unknown consequences. So, we just stay dissatisfied with life and wish it would change.

What would it be like if you knew yourself deeply, and you had more clarity on what you aspire to? While it may seem allusive, you have the answers encoded within you. Your life experience and the way you relate to it not only shows you what is most fulfilling, but also what is blocking you from making the advances that will lead to the life you desire.

About the Guest: Lynne Brisdon

Lynne Brisdon, PCC blends coaching with spirituality to connect people with their essential purpose to find deeper meaning in all aspects their lives; personally, and professionally. An early fascination with metaphysics led her to embrace the reality that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. She shares mediation and healing practices to offer a direct experience of consciousness beyond intellectual understanding. Her coaching conversations offer a practical way to apply self awareness, to make conscious choices and take inspired action. You can learn more about Lynne\\u2019s work at:'