Published: March 12, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

I was recently interviewed on The Todd Starnes Show - Fox News Radio about my new book for children, "My Ears Are Not Like Yours," available on Amazon.

About the book:

As a licensed psychotherapist, I’ve treated children, both male and female from diverse ages and backgrounds.

These children came from a variety of faith-based beliefs and life experiences that shaped their lives and molded their self-esteem.

Many faced great hardships at an early age while others were fortunate enough to only experience life’s little “bumps” from time to time.

Some of these children were removed from their homes due to abuse and temporarily placed into foster homes or permanently adopted into a new family.

The stories my young clients have shared with me are often heartbreaking.

What I found missing in their life experiences and what all of them shared in common was their feeling of not belonging and their belief that they were not capable of being loved.

Far too often children internalize their pain, blame themselves for the abuse they have endured, the divorce of their parents, or other issues they are ill-equipped to handle due to their age.

Other children who haven’t experienced extreme hardships, may still go through periods in their lives where for one reason or another they feel “left out”, “somehow different” or “not as good as” their peers.

The feelings of not “fitting in” or not being accepted can have long-lasting or even permanent effects.

While all children and teens are unique and experience life in ways that are specific only to themselves, all children need to know they are loved and accepted. It is vital to a child’s psychological and emotional development.

I wanted children to understand that they are “perfect” exactly the way they are and that they don’t have to look or act like others in order to accept themselves and be loved.

The sooner a child learns this the healthier their life will be.

That’s why I wrote this short story.

I wanted children to learn this valuable lesson at a very early age.

“My Ears Are Not Like Yours,” available on Amazon, is a touching tale about a special puppy named Abby who discovers that she’s not like anyone else in her family.

Heartbroken, Abby wants nothing more than to fit in and look like her parents and siblings.

Through a short journey, Abby learns to love and accept herself and soon realizes that what’s in her heart matters most!

Parents and caregivers will enjoy spending time reading the book together with their children as they fall in love with the main character Abby, who embodies every child’s discovery of the importance of loving and embracing themselves for who they are.

About the Author:

Susan Knowles is the author of the popular children's book featured on the Todd Starnes Radio Show on March 9, 2018, "My Ears Are Not Like Yours." Her book offers encouragement and hope to young children and is available on

Susan is also a licensed psychotherapist, former practicing Family Law attorney, online conservative radio talk show personality and producer at Stand For Truth Radio.

She has appeared as a guest on The Glenn Beck Show, The Pat & Stu Show and The Rick Amato Show on One America News Network.

Susan has also been a frequent guest on The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson. In addition, she has made guest appearances on  AM 760 KFMB, 600 KOGO News Radio San Diego, 106.7 WYAY FM in Atlanta, News Radio 610 WIOD in Miami, Fla. and Overnight America with Jon Grayson.

Susan is also a former Contributor to TheBlaze.