'TALK IT OUT with Susan Knowles'

Published: Nov. 30, 2016, 6 p.m.

(Sorry about some technical issues today)

Join your host SUSAN KNOWLES for an all new LIVE Call-in Talk Show called 'Talk It Out with Susan Knowles.' I'll be taking your calls and we'll be discussing news, politics, career issues, personal issues and just about anything you want to discuss.

You'll be able to call in to 646-787-1653 and speak to the host live.

'Talk It Out with Susan Knowles' will air every Wednesday at 10amPT/1pmET for one hour starting November 30, 2016.

Our first show topic will be on how you think President-elect Donald Trump is doing, his administration picks and the recount spearheaded by failed Green Party nominee Jill Stein. So, come ready to discuss the topic.

If you don't call in then we don't have a show because it's your turn to talk, not just mine!


Disclaimer: This is not a show to obtain legal advice or mental health counseling. It is for entertainment purposes only.