Nasty C and Domani share exciting details with J Sbu

Published: May 16, 2022, 5:30 a.m.

Exclusive interview where these two stars didn't hold back! The 'Coolest Kid in Africa' is back! KZN’s very own multi-award-winning rapper went from making music in his bedroom to signing with American music label Def Jam - and he is currently on a nationwide tour. The Ivyson Army Tour will be heading to Durban’s Warehouse this Saturday and will feature a star-studded line-up that includes international rapper and son to American superstar, T.I - Domani. Musician Tellaman and rap artist Blxckie are also on the ride for the Durban leg of the tour. The current tour will be the first since his last major Ivyson run in 2019, giving fans an unforgettable hip hop experience. Listen as J Sbu is joined in studio by Nasty C and Domani. EXCLUSIVE: Nasty C chats to J Sbu about new music and his Ivyson Army Tour