Exodus 14 - Moses as Mediator

Published: April 16, 2014, 12:04 p.m.


After the great sin of the golden calf, Moses asks God to see His\\xa0glory to know His ways. God shows Moses His reflected glory, but\\xa0shields him from His face. God writes the tablets again, with no\\xa0changes, to present to the people as a covenant. God instructs the\\xa0Hebrews to worship Him alone, for He is a jealous god. This jealousy\\xa0is a desire for an exclusive relationship, as we can see in James 4:5\\xa0and 2 Cor 11:2. God also commands that the Hebrews observe the Sabbath\\xa0and the harvest feasts.

Moses comes back to the people, but shields his face with a veil to\\xa0prevent the people from seeing God\'s glory fade. This veil separates\\xa0the people from God, but Jesus removes that veil, as Jeremiah 31:31ff\\xa0prophesies.
