EP 64: Living with HIV... Since Birth

Published: March 27, 2022, 10:53 a.m.

In this episode, I've invited on Fiqah, who has been living with HIV since birth. She shares on her experience dealing with school, family, friends and more since discovering that she had HIV. 

Something really important that I learnt in this episode is to be kind to others as you don't know what they are going through, and you shouldn't discriminate anyone for things beyond their control.

Find out more about HIV, Aids, U=U Movement (Undetectable = Untransmittable):

- https://www.instagram.com/uequalsu_sg/?hl=en

- https://www.instagram.com/afa.singapore/?hl=en

Get tested anonymously at any of these clinics:

- https://afa.org.sg/whatwedo/support/ats/

- https://www.tanjongpagarclinic.com/hiv-testing

- http://www.kensingtonfamilyclinic.com/std-hiv/anonymous-hiv-testing

- https://www.dtapclinic.com/hiv/hiv-testing-and-screening/

- https://www.gayhealth.sg/pinkcarpet/

Get at home test kits here:

- https://www.fernehealth.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA_8OPBhDtARIsAKQu0gaK2udn1-zG838Fltqs8_fCVYRBNy6iFJg0xfjUxRA3GR8R5VVmzYsaAgDlEALw_wcB

- https://ease-healthcare.com/sti-tests/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA_8OPBhDtARIsAKQu0gZqApL0zQGVKsQJDxcXj_tjo4Veghd8J5WvsVkFpbEifRP9WUV9mHIaAuZXEALw_wcB#


Action for Aids Singapore

Phone: (65) 6254 0212

Address: 9 Kelantan Lane #03-01 Singapore 208628

DSC Clinic

Phone: 1800 252 1324

Address: 31 Kelantan Lane #01-16 , Singapore 200031