Working With Saturn - Deities and Spirits Part 4

Published: Sept. 5, 2022, 11 a.m.

Hello Lovelies, and welcome back to the Cauldron! This week I’m bringing you that grumpy sky grandpa–Saturn!

Despite all the bad press Saturn usually gets, there are ways to work with him that are super fruitful. Ignoring the role that Saturn’s energy plays in your life can lead to suffering, but engaging with it in a healthy way is easier than you may think. 

This episode is full of Saturn’s mythology, the areas of life he presides over, and plenty of practical approaches to bringing more Saturn into your life.

Stay safe out there, loves, and Use Your Voice. Xx

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I’m a spiritual coach, witch, tarot reader, and traveler on the Wyrd road. I’ve been traveling solo for nearly a year, all over Europe, India, and the Middle East. On every step of the journey I’ve been met with new ways to deepen my practice and engage with the mystery that is living. Thanks for joining me!

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