Hanging with Hekate: Exploring the Goddess of the Liminal

Published: Nov. 15, 2020, 1 a.m.

Gather round the cauldron, lovelies! Today’s episode is all about Hekate, Keeper of the Keys, protector of the dispossessed, walker of liminal spaces. She is the mentor and confidante of Persephone, and the Queen of Witches. 

I explore many of Hekate’s correspondences--days, spaces, ways to honor her, plants, and more, as well as talking a bit about my personal experience with her. Listen in for some good basics around this most intriguing goddess.

This episode’s Moon Report is for the new moon in Scorpio, and some info on the Mercury in Scorpio/Jupiter in Uranus opposition.

Mentioned in the episode:

Cyndi Brannen and Keeping Her Keys

Jo Muir and her Hecate meditation

Signup for my Lunarly Newsletter, where I explore each new and full moon, while offering tips, spells, and ideas for working the moon phases.

Online Tarot readings available! 3-12 card readings, bespoke spreads available. Check out my website!

You can find me on IG @squeakys_cauldron, at SqueakysCauldron.com, or email me at

SqueakysCauldron@gmail.com. |

Music: Ayla Nereo “Wheel of Time” |

Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 US