Episode 22 Ritual 101 Part 3 Calling on Ancestors, Spirits, and Deities in Ritual

Published: April 23, 2020, 4 p.m.

Gather round the cauldron, lovelies! In this episode I explore calling in supportive spirits to assist us in our rituals and daily lives. I look at the types of spirits you might call upon (ancestors, spirit guides, and deities) as well as ways to honor them post-ritual. I also talk a bit about cultural appropriation, a breakthrough experience I had in Peru, and the power of returning to our roots. | 

Enjoy the show! | 

Art by Thumper Ormerod @thumperpnw | 
Music: Ayla Nereo “Wheel of Time” | 
Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 US