Rocco Shields Interview | AfterBuzz TVs Spotlight On

Published: Dec. 20, 2016, 11:45 p.m.

b"AFTERBUZZ TV - AfterBuzz TV's Spotlight On edition, is a long form interview series featuring actors discussing their roles and shows as well as their thoughts, passions and journeys. In this episode host Kari Lane interviews Rocco Shields.\\n\\nRSS Feed:\\xa0\\n\\nABOUT ROCCO SHIELDS:\\nKim Rocco Shields is one of Hollywood\\u2019s hottest young film directors with a demonstrated passion for pushing the envelope through controversial projects.\\n\\nProof of this is her recent short film \\u201cLove is All You Need,\\u201d which garnered over thirty million Internet views and numerous film festival awards, while sparking a heated and constructive nationwide debate. This short has made such an impact as an anti-bullying tool, it is being developed into a feature which will bring more awareness and assistance to the teen bullying issue and its victims.\\n\\nThe film shows the evils of bullying fr\\n\\n--- \\n\\nThis episode is sponsored by \\n\\xb7 Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"