Glam Skanks Interview | AfterBuzz TVs Concert Experience

Published: Sept. 8, 2016, 3 p.m.

b"AFTERBUZZ TV - AfterBuzz TV's Concert Experience\\xa0edition, is a long form interview series featuring Musicians\\xa0discussing their upcoming projects as well as their thoughts, passions and journeys. In this episode host Lauren LoGrasso interviews the Glam Skanks.\\n\\nABOUT GLAM SKANKS:\\n\\nGLAM SKANKS create a colorful audiovisual extravaganza using familiar tints from T Rex, The Runaways, David Bowie and The Sweet, with the drama of Alice Cooper and the genuine rock sensibility of Aerosmith, all wrapped up in a full-blown cosmetic Rocky Horror show meets Hedwig androgyny.\\nPure entertainment and bigger than life, GLAM SKANKS are here to light up the world with their new release, GLITTER CITY. A rock and roll roller coaster ride in a blazing cloud of glitter and raining feather boas, GLAM SKANKS are high-energy, free-spirited and lusty, with a bravado that screams Sunset Strip dreams and Hollywood nights that never end. They will wake you up, smack you down, get\\n\\n--- \\n\\nThis episode is sponsored by \\n\\xb7 Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"