Ashley Bornancin Interview | AfterBuzz TVs Spotlight On

Published: Aug. 30, 2016, 10 p.m.

b'AFTERBUZZ TV - AfterBuzz TV\'s Spotlight On edition, is a long form interview series featuring actors and TV personalities discussing their roles and shows as well as their thoughts, passions and journeys. In this episode host Ty Matthews interviews Ashley Bornancin.\\n\\nABOUT ASHLEY BORNANCIN:\\nAshley Bornancin is an actress, writer and producer known for her work in comedy and animation. Her quirky personality conducting interviews on the red carpet got her noticed on the web, producing millions of views, soon leading to further work in television, film and voice overs. She has a love for comedy and is known for her cartoony voice and quick-witted improv. on set.\\n\\nHer love for production and content creation has translated in her producing and staring in her own online content and indie films. She is currently working on her original comedy series, "We\'re Not Friends," with her co-creator Don DiPetta, and wrapped her latest dramatic film, "Say It." She i\\n\\n--- \\n\\nThis episode is sponsored by \\n\\xb7 Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'