Hell To The King 2: 'Salem's Lot' (1979) Cinesthesia

Published: Sept. 29, 2019, midnight

b"Floating vampire children at the window, psychic houses, Nosferatu-types and the power of the self. Jason revisits one of the foundational horror films from his childhood; Jim's longstanding belief about 'Salem's Lot' being a film about witches is disproven. After directing 'The Texas Chain Saw Massacre,' Tobe Hooper tackled one of Stephen King's most famous novels in a 3-hour made for TV movie. The Cinesthesia boys ask the big questions about 'Salem's Lot,' including why does a house attract evil people, why are there no witches and how Tobe Hooper's filmography is regarded today.\\n\\nJoin a filmmaker (and sometimes film teacher) and a film teacher (and sometimes filmmaker) as they venture into the dark heart of their own befuddled relationship to culture, the youth, the internet, friendship, love, hate, time, space and, of course: *m*o*v*i*e*s*. Come hear what we see."