You Disgust Me | Seven Ways Women Disparage Other Women and Seven Ways to Respond to Their Internalized Misogyny

Published: Oct. 17, 2023, 9 a.m.

b'In this episode of "Spirituality Matters," Rev Karla addresses the often-unspoken issue of women perpetuating patriarchy and the internalized misogyny that comes with it. Drawing from her personal experiences and observations, she sheds light on how women, at times, unknowingly uphold societal norms that suppress them. From confrontations on social media to real-life interactions, she highlights the importance of recognizing these patterns and the power of breaking free. For anyone who has felt the weight of societal expectations or has been silenced by another, this episode serves as a benchmark, urging women to stand together, challenge the status quo, and celebrate their authentic selves.\\n\\xa0\\nYou can read "You Disgust Me" | Seven Ways Women Disparage Other Women and Seven Ways to Respond to Their Internalized Misogyny in this week\'s Blog post and watch the uncut version of this episode on YouTube.\\n\\xa0\\nFor a list of full resources for this episode visit us online:\\xa0\\nRev Karla\'s Podcast \\u2192\\n\\xa0\\nFor more information and support along your spiritual journey visit our links below \\u2193\\xa0\\nIG \\u2192\\nTT \\u2192\\nFB \\u2192\\nBuy Rev Karla a Tea \\u2192\\n\\xa0\\nShop Rev Karla\\u2019s Online Store:\\n\\xa0\\n*Podcast Channels*\\xa0\\nApple \\u2192\\nSpotify \\u2192\\nGoogle \\u2192\\n\\xa0\\nTo submit questions for Rev Karla\\u2019s Podcast email us \\u2192'