Sundays with Rev Karla | The Spiritual Wilderness

Published: Aug. 1, 2023, 9 a.m.

b"We are excited to share this special edition podcast: Sundays with Rev Karla. One of the most commonly asked questions Rev Karla receives is how can I reconnect with Sundays and find community while deconstructing? Each week Rev Karla will share new video teachings inside of her private community on Facebook: Rev Karla's Inner Circle. This community has monthly lives, exclusive content, and Q&A sessions all created to support you and your unique spiritual journey. We launch this series by diving into the paradoxical journey of solitude and self-discovery, known as the Spiritual Wilderness. Join as we explore the meaning, challenges, and transformative power of stepping into this sacred void.\\nSundays with Rev Karla kicks off Sunday August 6th inside our membership communities.\\nSee below the list of teaching topics for August:\\n\\u27a1\\ufe0fThe Spiritual Wilderness | August 6th\\n\\u27a1\\ufe0fReligionless and Happy | August 13th\\n\\u27a1\\ufe0fThe 6 Stages of Spiritual Transformation | August 20th\\n\\u27a1\\ufe0fThe Sacredness of Not Being Okay | August 27th\\nTo learn more about Sundays with Rev Karla, and her new communities visit us online."