Sundays with Rev Karla | The Sacredness of Not Being Okay

Published: Aug. 29, 2023, 12:22 p.m.

b"In this episode, Rev Karla discusses the destructive nature of toxic positivity and the impact of focusing on salvation and the afterlife rather than being present and addressing real human challenges. Toxic positivity, denies our genuine human emotions, diminishing the richness of our existence. While optimism is invaluable, true growth often emerges from acknowledging the moments when life isn't all sunshine. It's okay to not be okay\\u2014vulnerability and authenticity are powerful catalysts for personal and spiritual growth. Your emotions are valid, and your journey is sacred.\\n\\xa0\\nSundays with Rev Karla is a private community. One of the most commonly asked questions Rev Karla receives is how can I reconnect with Sundays and find community while deconstructing? Each week Rev Karla releases a new Sunday teaching focusing on inspiration and healing. This community has monthly lives, exclusive content, and Q&A sessions all created to support you and your unique spiritual journey. Visit us online to learn more join. \\U0001f49c"