Rev Karla Answers Your Questions Part #5 | Challenging Norms and Embracing Mystery

Published: Aug. 15, 2023, 9 a.m.

b'In this special episode, Rev Karla answers your personal questions:\\n\\xa0\\nIf hell isn\\u2019t real then Satan and demons wouldn\\u2019t be real. If that\\u2019s the case, why isn\\u2019t the world perfect without temptation?\\nWhat\\u2019s god\\u2019s view on being gender fluid? I\\u2019ve been struggling feeling me being that way. does it line up with the bible?\\nWhy are you still a believer? I\\u2019m a happy go lucky atheist and can\\u2019t understand deity believers.\\n\\xa0\\nFor more information and support along your spiritual journey visit our links below \\u2193\\xa0\\\\nIG \\u2192\\nTT \\u2192\\nFB \\u2192\\n\\xa0\\nShop Rev Karla\\u2019s Online Store:\\n\\xa0\\nTo submit questions for Rev Karla\\u2019s Podcast email us \\u2192\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n#podcast #spiritualitymatters #exvangelcial #exchristian #spiritualnotreligious #spiritual #spirituality #revkarla #leavingchurch #theology #religioustrauma #leavingchristianity #deconstructingfaith'