Return of the Warmth

Published: March 16, 2021, 10 a.m.

b'In this episode, Rev Karla discusses the spring equinox and the spiritual wisdom we can learn from it. Cultures and communities have been recognizing or celebrating the spring or vernal equinox dating back to ancient civilizations. Religions around the world have added their own religious holidays around the spring equinox, creating many different ways to celebrate. This is a time to welcome new beginnings, and plant seeds for success for the coming year. There is symbolism and wisdom in this season of warmth returning, Rev Karla offers some contemplative questions to spend time answering in your journaling practice, or you could talk a walk to connect with the earth, or create an altar of gratitude for things in your life. For more on this topic from Rev Karla, read her blog post.\\xa0\\nAdditional resources for this episode include: What is the Spring Equinox?, Vernal Equinox, Simple Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox, Stonehenge, Solstice Tours, Timeless Spring'