Honoring What Was

Published: Oct. 27, 2020, 10 a.m.

b"In this episode, Rev Karla discusses Halloween, All Saint's Day, All Soul's Day, Samhain, and the intersection of many religions and spiritual practices in this last week of October and into November with these sacred holidays. You are encouraged to grab a journal for this episode as we explore sorrow, grief and loss that arises in these celebrations as we move into the darkness of the season. Rev Karla answers the question: Do you have any tips for dealing with religious trauma? She also covers this topic frequently in TikTok videos if you would like to know more on how to heal from religious trauma. You can read more on this topic from Rev Karla in her blog post.\\nReferences for this episode include: The History and Traditions behind All Saint's Day, information on some of her favorite Saints, and how some saints became martyrs after death. Rev Karla talks about her favorite Saints and biblical inspirations including St. Patrick, The Apostles, and Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Desmond Tutu and Mother Teresa are also inspirations to Rev Karla.\\nRev Karla also references learnreligions.com many times in this episode as well and encourages you to explore there to learn more about world religions."