E24 Love Always Wins— Or Does It?

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 11 a.m.

In this episode, Rev Karla discusses the story of St. Valentine, the different definitions of love mentioned in the Bible, and some emotional triggers around love which can include the phrase, "Love always wins." Prince Harry and Megan Markle received some backlash when they said it in their new podcast, but what they said holds true. Love can win. We are each responsible for how we give love and how love shows up in our life. Rev Karla leaves you with the reminder that love starts within and you must truly love yourself and heal yourself for your spiritual growth. 

To read more on this topic, read Rev Karla's blog post

Resources for this episode include: Love Wins by Rob Bell, Does Love Always Win?, When Love Doesn't Win, 4 Types of Love in the Bible, What Does the Bible Really Say About Love?, How the British Press Treats Meghan Markle Differently from Kate Middleton, UK Media’s Coverage of Meghan Markle Really is Racist, What it Really Means to be in Love