E14 Preparing to Receive the Holy

Published: Dec. 8, 2020, 11 a.m.

In this episode, Rev Karla invites you to explore the many religious holidays happening this time of year, not just your own. And this isn't to say not to celebrate Christmas, or the celebration of your choosing, but to pause and make room for all the spiritual paths. We say Happy Holidays to include all religions, not to exclude a single one. There is room for all of us here, and there is no war on Christmas. Rev Karla finishes the episode by answering the question: Do we need His authority or approval to do anything? This question was in reference to Pope Francis endorsing same-sex marriage.

You can read more on this topic from Rev Karla on her blog. Visit revkarla.com to register for Spiritual Reset 2021 Masterclass before it fills up!

More resources on religious holidays for the this episode include: Interfaith Calendar 2020, 14 Religious Holidays Believers Celebrate in December, December Religious Holidays, What is Ashura?