E06 The Bible Doesn't Say That

Published: Oct. 13, 2020, 9 a.m.

In this episode, Rev Karla discusses some harmful phrases used in religion. "Everything happens for a reason." "God must have needed an angel." "God helps those who help themselves." If you have ever heard these phrases, you may have thought it was scripture – they're not. Rev Karla dissects these phrases and just how unhelpful and even hurtful they can be, especially when directed at someone who is grieving or struggling. Rev Karla answer a big question in this episode: Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

Resources for this episode include: 11 Things You Think Are in The Bible, but Really Aren't, 5 Christian Phrases That Aren't in the Bible, 7 Phrases Christians Like to Say That Aren't Biblical, 64 of the Worst Things Ever Said to a Griever, Dumb Things People Say from the Hospice Foundation, The political abortion scandal referenced in this episode, and Half Truths by Adam Hamilton.