The Revelations of Pax

Published: May 22, 2021, 5 p.m.

Carole Serene Borgens has been channeling spirit wisdom since the early 1990s when she was introduced to this Divine Cosmic Source regarded as “Pax”.  Since then, she has authored many prophetic works including the best selling book, “Do Unto Earth:  It’s Not Too Late” - a wake up call to us all - which answers many pressing questions critical to our life, the planet, and beyond.  In this talk, we address topics unpacked in great detail by Pax - from the nature of our origins, insights into unsolved “mysteries” (Amelia Earheart, Bermuda Triangle, Pyramids), inter-dimensional visitors and their purpose, super plants that heal, a return to our indigenous ancestors, and the 911 call necessary to heal the environment and humanity.