Spiritual Platitudes

Published: Sept. 24, 2019, 9:29 a.m.

How many phrases do you regurgitate to others without thinking? When it comes to spirituality, when we do this, we reinforce beliefs within us without thinking. It is essential to think about our beliefs!   Where do they come from? Who said it? Is it relevant to my life?   Phrases such as:   Everything happens for a reason... You’re exactly where you’re meant to be... The Universe is looking out for you... You’re on your path leading to your destiny... I always have enough...   These all sound beautiful...so how can these possibly have negative consequences?   Many light workers are stuck because they are not questioning their belief systems - and it's the spiritual platitudes that are so cleverly hidden because they sound so positive. And these are the ones we need to seek out the most.   So often we can become stuck, leading to deeper and deeper depression because of our belief systems. For me, trying to step out as a lightworker, express my purpose, be successful, live in this world was due to my belief systems. And it was my spiritual beliefs that actually created more of the problem. Explore more in this podcast.