Emily Heron: Cannabis as a Plant Medicine For Clearing Blockages

Published: Feb. 19, 2021, 6 p.m.

Emily Heron is an intuitive clairvoyant energy healer and coach based in San Diego County, CA. She performs energy healing work with clients in-person and over Zoom. Her work with cannabis is what makes her unique. She has developed a protocol for healing the spirit using cannabis as a plant medicine by targeting specific areas of blockages and disturbances within the energy body for subconscious reprogramming and emotional release. This protocol is available for sale on her website emilyrheron.com. She also recently released a book called Sex & Energy Dynamics: The A-Z Guidebook which is available on her website and on Amazon.

Podcast Host: Julie Ann Guthrie-Smulson at Spiritual Alchemy Energy Transfigurations

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