Hearken to His Voice

Published: March 1, 2020, 12:44 p.m.

Besides the free gift of salvation I offer all men, never before has humanity had such a precious gift of the keys. But though you will be as powerhouses, be not unaware that there will yet be pitfalls, tests, and trials along the way. But I walk with you and gladly assist you. Leave all fear behind, precious warriors, and all memories of failure, for you will win this war. This is My promise to you!

You don't yet have the capacity to understand and comprehend the complete power of the keys, and it's not necessary that you know everything about them at this time. But what is important is that day by day‚ step by step, moment by moment, you use these keys in the ways I show you to use them.

My dears, this is a most critical time. There are many smaller dramas being played out, but only you have the center stage. So use it wisely, for you can't totally comprehend or visualize what is occurring in this beautiful dance. It's just one more step on the path back Home.

You cannot be what you will become until you are not what you are now. So I ask you to release your past so that you can take hold of the full force of the power of the future!

My dear loves, you'll become as streams of light that become stronger and more potent each new day. So don't become attached to any way of being, any one mode or mannerism‚ or any thought pattern that is too narrow-minded, for I wish to expand your minds. Know that the limits you were so certain about yesterday will forever change and extend. Don't put Me or My power in a box, for no box can contain Me or My powers!

With these keys in your hands and put to use, you will find that our times of lovemaking will be more breathtaking and fantastic than ever before. We will please each other in ways you haven't yet dreamed of! I will be more to you than your most outrageous dreams. You will see a side of My beauty and power that you haven't yet seen. I will catch you up in My arms and twirl you in a whirlwind of love as we make passionate, uninhibited, liberated love, in a way you've never experienced before. I will satisfy you as never before, your senses keenly sharpened. You will feel My love in the places of your heart, mind, body and soul that can only come to life when you use these keys. You'll be amazed, and praise and thankfulness will fill your hearts as never before.

I will take your yielded hearts and in them ignite a passion for Me that you have not known before! With these keys of the Kingdom that I have given you, you may enter the realm of what you consider fantasy, and pull down the reality of all you desire.

Feel the warmth of My sacred flame of love as it brushes over your whole body and fills you with My seeds that will become the fruit of the Kingdom. My aura of love will surround you. I am nearer than near; I am here with you. Reach out and touch Me and use the keys that I've given you. I will respond to you as I have never before.

You must take the keys that I've given you and validate them in your own heart and life, and seek the power I have promised. Don't be lazy. Go forth and preach the Gospel. Do your part to learn to use and access this power so that you can draw people to Me and fulfill My plan.