Plagiarism Uncovered in SpecGram Pages

Published: June 4, 2016, 12:08 p.m.

b'Plagiarism Uncovered in SpecGram Pages; by The Linguistic Inquirer; From Volume CLXXII, Number 3, of Speculative Grammarian, March 2015 \\u2014 Pursuant to the terms of the pre-litigious resolution of \\u201cGrammar Entelechy v. Speculative Grammarian\\u201d the editors of SpecGram have recently disclosed the truth about the academically distasteful practices by which the allegedly \\u201cesteemed\\u201d journal foists its linguistic and paralinguistic agenda on the profession. (Read by Butch McBastard, Jonathan van der Meer, Declan Whitford Jones, and Trey Jones.)'