49 - Verifying Interstellar Visitors - Bruce Fenton Interview

Published: May 12, 2022, 12:12 p.m.

Bruce R. Fenton, author of "Exogenesis: Hybrid Humans" comes onto the show for a deep dive into his theory that an interstellar object - possibly a spacecraft - exploded over ancient Australia. The discussion begins with Fenton recapping his 2020 book, before elaborating on how his research is developing. Fenton's work is genuinely multi-disciplinary, integrating published results from anthropology, geology and astronomy to support his case that something extraordinary happened in the Southern Hemisphere over 780,000 years ago. If the strongest version of Fenton's theory turns out to be true, then that event transformed our ancestors into early modern man. Anyone who genuinely wants empirical evidence before countenancing an ancient aliens theory can't afford to miss this conversation.