7: Episode 7 - That Git Gud Mentality is Crap and Needs to Stop

Published: April 8, 2019, 2:39 a.m.

Welcome to another episode of the Spectator Podcast, the Outerhaven's weekly podcast where we talk the latest news, topics and everything else that's video games.Games we've been playing. Recap Borderlands 3 release date news 3. Ubisoft kills off the Starlink toy production. Easy mode, "git gud" mentality and it's toxic behavior. Should games have an easy mode and why we feel the whole "Git Gud" mentality is toxic and doesn't help anyone. You can find our latest podcast below.Thanks for listening. If you'd like to come on the show as a guest or have topics you'd like for us to discuss, contact us here (https://www.theouterhaven.net/got-a-tip-for-us/) .Subscribe to us on:Podbean (https://specmode.podbean.com/) | iTunes (https://apple.co/2GY6ddQ) | Stitcher (https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-outerhaven-productions/spectator-mode-podcast) | Google Play (https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/I634ijd7ebd4d3e2yevouqkmbmi) | YouTube (https://bit.ly/2TvlSXK)#VideoGames #Gaming #News #Nintendo #PS4 #Switch #PC #XboxOne Sony #Microsoft #Nintendo #xboxone #playstation #nintendoswitch #pcgaming #videogamepodcast #spectatormodepodcast #specmodepodcast #gamingpodcast #gitgud #darksouls #sekiro #borderlands3 #ubisoft #starlink