Special Sauce: Jason Wang on Building a Xi'an Famous Foods Empire [2/2]

Published: May 9, 2019, 9:11 p.m.


In part two of my conversation with Xi\'an Famous Foods cofounder Jason Wang, he and I talked mostly about the struggles and challenges involved in first getting the business off the ground, and then expanding.


The restaurant\'s original location, in a subterranean food court in Flushing, Queens, had a napkin problem. Money there was so tight, Wang said, "We had to cut back on things.... Back in the days, I\'ll be honest with you, we didn\'t give out napkins. We didn\'t have a napkin dispenser.... People were like,\'Oh, you guys are so cheap, you don\'t give napkins out.\' Fights started out because of napkins in Flushing."


Wang knew it was important that both Chinese and non-Chinese customers enjoy the food. "It\'s important for our food to continue to appeal to Chinese eaters that are in the US directly from China....They know what the food is supposed to taste like. If we have their, sort of, following, that speaks to the authenticity of the food. If we have other folks that are in New York City, we\'re lucky to have a lot of guests who are more adventurous. They\'re willing to try different things, try something new every night."


The keys to the restaurant\'s success? "Our food is very approachable. It\'s very reasonably priced. People can try without feeling like it\'s a big risk. It looks, smells good, people talk about it, so they\'ll come. Now, when they do come, there\'s a positive feedback effect that goes on. The Chinese people will see the American eaters, and the American users will see the Chinese people there. They\'ll look at each other, and the Chinese people will be like, wow, Americans like this stuff? That must mean it\'s high-quality, it\'s well packaged, because that\'s what the perception, the stereotype of Western products is.... Then the Americans will see the Chinese people, they\'ll be like, there\'s, like, a Chinese grandma that\'s just sitting there eating. She doesn\'t speak any English.... Yeah, it\'s legit."


As Jason and his dad, who cofounded Xi\'an Famous Foods with him, began to expand the company\\u2014which now has 15 locations across New York City\\u2014they took seriously the challenge of preserving the qualities that had made it successful in the first place. "For our part, as we expanded\\u2014there\'s always the whole stereotype of that C-word, \'chain.\' When you become a chain, it becomes very washed down, you start losing the soul of the food. My day-to-day job is, these days, really is to maintain that soul.... It\'s something I\'m obsessed about. I think that\'s what we do on our part. My father\'s equally obsessive."


But Wang isn\'t all business, and he brings lots of smile-inducing surprises to this episode\\u2014including where he was headed to lunch when we finished talking, and which outspoken rapper/singer he wants at his last-supper table. You\'ll learn all that and more when you tune in.




