Published: Aug. 10, 2016, 9 a.m.

Episode 19 of Macross Delta. It’s a lot of things. Its got nostalgia. Its got info dumps. Its got controversy. Its got Macross 7 references. But most of all, its got Berger. Lots and lots of Berger. The SpeakerPODcast Crew is joined this week by Karice and Craig, as well as a new face to the cast, Celia, who calls in to tell us about her trip to the FirebomBAR! Music this cast includes covers by Hina. Be sure to subscribe to her youtube channel for more great Macross covers! http://www.decultureshock.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/MSP_EP62.mp3 Direct Download HERE (Right click & save as)