Episode 87: Sounds Icky

Published: May 19, 2019, 4 p.m.


This time on SpeakBeasty... \\xa0

\\u2192 Join hosts Ariel, Megan, and special guest, Craig!
\\u2192 The Phoenix Register: Fantastic Beasts 3 gets a release date of November 2021. Also, Wizarding World Gold is now a thing.
\\u2192 What could they possibly give us that we don\\u2019t already have and do we want it?
\\u2192 Percies of the world, unite.
\\u2192 Could Queenie have been under Grindelwald\\u2019s control for longer than we thought?
\\u2192 \\u201cIt\\u2019s SpeakBeasty canon, thank you for your time.\\u201d
\\u2192 What\\u2019s the deal with the blood pact?
\\u2192 \\u201cYou know that thing where you touch bloody hands?\\u201d
\\u2192 \\u201cWho knew that Summergirls by LFO was about Dumbledore and Grindelwald the whole time?\\u201d
\\u2192 Newt is the real mother of dragons.
\\u2192 \\u201cOh, you did a blood pact? We do Unbreakable Vows now.\\u201d
\\u2192 \\u201cLet\\u2019s just Time Turrner this ish.\\u201d This time, we examine what happened on this day in history.\\xa0

Podcast Question: How do you think Dumbledore will ultimately break the blood pact?\\xa0
