Episode 7: Porpentina Ate A Bagel

Published: March 13, 2016, 3:56 p.m.


This time on SpeakBeasty:

\\u2192 Alohomora host Michael is our special guest host!
\\u2192\\xa0Ariel is the birthday fairy.
\\u2192 The Phoenix Register:\\xa0#MagicInNorthAmerica Parts I & II
\\u2192\\xa0Did Rowling make the right calls for inclusivity?
\\u2192\\xa0Go be excited about ACTUAL Native American history!

\\u2192\\xa0"Wanna learn magic? I\'ve got a shack down the road!"
\\u2192\\xa0What the fwoop counts as canon?
\\u2192 This day in history, Porpentina eats a bagel...\\xa0

\\u2192 The Time Turner:\\xa0Native American life in the 20\'s!
\\u2192 The Newt Case: Skinwalkers are just not nice.
