Episode 64: And Here We Thought The Curse Was Broken

Published: June 17, 2018, 8:16 p.m.


This time on SpeakBeasty:

\\u2192 The Megan & Michael curse is NOT broken.
\\u2192 This episode is a Marvel crossover - spoiler warning for Infinity War.
\\u2192 The Phoenix Register: Awards, screenplays, and premieres.
\\u2192 "And that is how Ariel became Big Foot".
\\u2192 Please do not punch Johnny Depp in our name.
\\u2192 Casting news: "Eddie Redmayne plays Newt Scamander".
\\u2192 Theseus is Dr. Seuss.
\\u2192 Count Olaf is in\\xa0Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.
\\u2192 Hugh Jackman needs to be in this movie, please.
\\u2192 Grindelwald has "lady problems".
\\u2192 "Thanos is after the Falafel Stone" - Potter-Marvel-crossover.
\\u2192 The Time Turner: The Bee\'s Knees
Podcast Question: What theories do you have about the characters we have little information on?