Episode 45: Justice for Snidgets

Published: Sept. 25, 2017, 12:28 a.m.


This time on\\xa0SpeakBeasty:

\\u2192 Welcome Haley to the show!
\\u2192 "The Phoenix Register": Filming scenes at Hogwarts?
\\u2192 Apparently, we STILL need more Graves.
\\u2192 We want to see Nicolas Flamel.
\\u2192 "Look at this shiny rock I got!"
\\u2192 Does Grindelwald want the Philosopher\'s Stone?
\\u2192 "That\'s a pretty rock, but OLIVER WOOD!"
\\u2192 "Not with my pastries!"
\\u2192 Too many baguettes.
\\u2192 Giant baby Madame Maxime.
\\u2192 "So Veelas are okay because the patriarchy?"
\\u2192 "I wonder if Newt likes bananas."
\\u2192 "The Newt Case": The Golden Snidget!
\\u2192 #JusticeForSnidgets

PODCAST QUESTION: Who of the characters we discussed would you like to see in Paris in the second film, and would you classify Veela as beings or beasts?
