Episode 30: Thundersquawker

Published: Feb. 12, 2017, 5:14 p.m.


This time on\\xa0SpeakBeasty:

\\u2192\\xa0This episode is 30, flirty, and thriving.
\\u2192 "The Phoenix Register":\\xa0Audio books & DVD releases!
\\u2192\\xa0We\'re in love with the Ilvermorny song.
\\u2192\\xa0Ariel speaks Thunderbird.
\\u2192\\xa0Might we see Nicholas Flamel in the films?
\\u2192\\xa0Too many Jasons.
\\u2192\\xa0Who should play Theseus? Ed Sheeran or Jennifer Garner?
\\u2192\\xa0Queenie is basically everything.
\\u2192\\xa0Did she keep her Legilimency a secret at school?
\\u2192\\xa0Is there a\\xa0Fantastic Beasts\\xa0version of\\xa0My Immortal\\xa0yet?

\\u2192 Next movie, we want more Ilvermorny!
\\u2192 \\u201cThe Time-Turner\\u201d:\\xa0A 1926 apocalypse?!
\\u2192\\xa0Thank a priest in Scotland for\\xa0War of the Worlds.
\\u2192 "The Newt Case": The Antipodean Opaleye!
\\u2192 Snarkiest segment yet brought to you by Eleanor.
