Episode 19: Queenie Abducted by Aliens

Published: Aug. 28, 2016, 8:23 a.m.


This time on SpeakBeasty:

\\u2192\\xa0It's a British invasion week!
\\u2192 \\u201cThe Phoenix Register\\u201d: Casting directors and cake.
\\u2192\\xa0Get ready to throw money at the tie-in books!
\\u2192\\xa0Newt and Harry have Megan in common.
\\u2192 Are the gonna make Queenie EVIL!?
\\u2192 No more manic pixie dream girls!
\\u2192\\xa0What we know so far: it's a lot.
\\u2192 Less than 100 days to go!
\\u2192 Ariel is so very pleased.
\\u2192 \\u201cThe Time-Turner\\u201d: First woman to\\xa0swim the English channel SLAYED.
\\u2192\\xa0Gertrude is a BAMF. Gertrude is everything.
\\u2192 \\u201cThe Newt Case\\u201d:\\xa0The ashwinder!
\\u2192 Fire snakes\\xa0ruined\\xa0Hogwarts pantomime.

PODCAST QUESTION:\\xa0Given all we've learned so far, what is the ONE THING you are most excited to see in the first\\xa0Fantastic Beasts\\xa0film this fall?
