Episode 106: G Does Not Stand For Gryffindor

Published: Feb. 9, 2020, 5 p.m.


This time on\\xa0SpeakBeasty:

  • "It\'s just brain damage"
  • Phoenix Register:\\xa0Johnny Depp is revealed as a victim of abuse / Jude Law is growing his Dumbledore beard back / Cooper Andrews might be in Fantastic Beasts 3
  • Katherine Waterstone should have had her baby by now according to math and her baby will be a baby Brazilian wizard in the upcoming movie
  • Owl Post: There were a lot more people involved in the magic of the Harry Potter films than J.K. Rowling
  • Continuity errors in Sherlock Holmes and how that terminology is relevant to media nowadays
  • "McGonagall was baby Yoda all along"
  • "I\'m starting to think this school doesn\'t make sense. There are some continuity errors in Hogwarts."
  • "I did my waiting. 13 episodes of it. In my living room."
  • "It\'s a white lie - because they are white people."
  • Dan Fogler revealed title 4 of the Fantastic Beasts films and Molly Weasley was part of the final battle against Grindelwald
  • Newt Case: Boggarts
  • Do vanished objects become Boggarts?
  • "Magical Mold and Where to Find Them"

Podcast Question:\\xa0How do you feel about these continuity errors at this point? Are you still feeling furious? Or are you able to laugh them off as time goes on between films? If it is the\\xa0former, which makes you the angriest?\\xa0
