Mental Illness, Hope, and the Church - an Interview with Amy Cordova, Missions' and Women's Ministry Partner for Oklahoma Baptists

Published: Feb. 25, 2021, 11 a.m.

Mental illness can be tough to talk about - in our families, with our friends, and in the church.  Possibly you've felt like you can't be open about struggles with mental health in church or in circles of Christian community.  Silence and isolation, though, only empower mental illness - keeping it in the dark only increases the pain for those who struggle.    Jesus came to shine light into the darkness, and darkness cannot overcome his light!     

When functioning well, a church can be a place of encouragment, hope and healing - a hospital for the broken, hurting and those in despair.  Churches are made up of broken people and for broken people!  

In this episode, Stacee and Doug are joined by Amy Cordova, Missions' and Women's Ministry Partner for Oklahoma Baptists, to discuss how churches  can support and help those struggling with mental illness and their families.  Stacee, Amy and Doug talk from their experiences about what churches are doing well, ways churches can grow, and the hope that can be found in the message and community of a church for those struggling with mental health.  Maybe you've been hurt by the church, maybe you've been blessed by the church, or maybe you've never before considered church as a place that could be part of your recovery journey - wherever you find yourself, there's something in this episode for you.