Taking a deeper look at City and County recycling changes

Published: Feb. 17, 2016, 4:07 p.m.

b"As , due to significant changes in the recycling marketplace, glass will no longer be accepted as of March 1 at Spartanburg County recycling centers or through the City of Spartanburg\\u2019s residential curbside recycling collection program City residents should stop putting glass in their blue rollcarts following their final collection day in February.The changes are in large part due\\xa0a dramatic nationwide drop in the price for glass recyclables, leaving\\xa0many communities across the country with no viable opportunities for their glass recyclables. On a brighter note, while glass recycling is being discontinued, both the County and City recycling programs now collect cardboard cartons, such as those for milk and juice, which previously were not accepted.\\nToday on the podcast, we're taking a deeper look at why these new recycling changes are being made with Spartanburg County Recycling Coordinator, Jes Sdao Swanson and Shelley Robbins, Sustainable Communities Project Manager with Upstate Forever."