City launches EMERGE business accelerator for African Americans

Published: July 31, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

b"One of the City's primary stated goals is to address our community's longtime racial and class disparities, and while the strategies we use are as\\xa0varied and complex as the problems themselves, one important approach is to help strengthen our local minority business community.\\xa0 What's our newest tool to\\xa0tackle that problem? The EMERGE Business Accelerator for African Americans, a program designed to identify, prepare, empower and sustain African American entrepreneurs who desire to locate a business in the City of Spartanburg. EMERGE will guide participants through all stages of opening and\\xa0expanding a business so they will be lender ready to up and running. A 10-week business training and development program, EMERGE will support entrepreneurs in identifying a business venture, business plan development, financial education, accounting, and securing financing. Classes will be held weekly beginning in September and will be\\xa0taught by business experts and experienced entrepreneurs who share advice, guidance, and lessons learned. Two phases, start-up and growth, will be offered during the program year with approximately 10-15 business owners in each cohort. Today on the podcast, we're talking with Minority Business Development Coordinator, Natasha Pitts about the EMERGE program and about her work here at the City. Listen below for more."