Sacred Cycles with Stella Tomlinson

Published: June 15, 2022, 7 a.m.

Have you ever noticed patterns in your life? Behaviours & feelings coming up again and again? Well perhaps you’re tuning in to the sacred cycles of life, and this week I’m joined by author and priestess Stella Tomlinson to explore the magic of sacred cycles and their gifts. We’lll dive into menstrual cycles, the lunar cycle, the seasons and more to find out how being aware of these can help you live a life in flow. 

Stella’s work has evolved from over twenty years’ experience in personal and spiritual development through meditation, yoga, mindfulness, energy healing, and Goddess and Earth-based spirituality and she has been teaching and writing in these fields since 2011. Her latest book, Cycles of Belonging, is out now.

You can find Stella at or @stellatomlinson.priestess

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