Nicola Humber on the Power of Connection & Sisterhood

Published: June 1, 2022, midnight

Have you ever felt that you’ve not yet quite found your tribe? That you know lots of great people, have some brilliant and lovely friends, but perhaps are missing that deep sense of connection and community? Post-pandemic I think we can all probably relate to this somewhat, which is why this week I’m thrilled to be chatting to Nicola Humber about the power of community, connection & sisterhood.

Nicola is the author of three books, as well as being the founder of the soul-led publishing company The Unbound Press. She is also a mentor to women, helping them to be their fullest, freest, most magnificent selves!

Join us as we dive into how to find deep connections that nourish your soul, explore the unbound gifts of having a supportive community, and why sisterhood is so good for the soul. 

Nicola can be found @nicolahumber / @theunboundpress or /

You can find me at  @soundsabitwoowootome /

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