Mind Control

Published: March 21, 2014, 4:12 a.m.

b'We usually think of mind control as part of the realm of fantasy, with witches and alien species as its perpetrators. But actually, mind control is all around us, in almost every area of our lives, and the consequences of ignoring its power range from failed pick-up-lines to genocide. In this episode, you\'ll hear stories of Stanford students who tried to out the calculated techniques of a famous pick-up artist at a campus party, poet Elizabeth Bradfield discuss how being a tour guide in Alaska involves mind control, and some of her and Emily Dickinson\\u2019s exquisite poetry. You\'ll also hear about mind control taken to its most extreme, from controlling the minds of whole cultures through fairy tales, to controlling only your own mind through lucid dreaming. \\n \\nHost: Rachel Hamburg Producers: Elizabeth Bradfield and Noah Burbank Featuring: Joshua Landy, Lanier Anderson, Fred Burbank, James Fearon, James Sheehan, William Dement, Christopher Collette, Ellora Karmarkar, Amber Davis and Lea Yelverton \\n \\nProducers: Noah Burbank, Ellora Karmarkar and Amber Davis Featuring: Joshua Landy, Lanier Anderson, Fred Burbank, James Fearon, James Sheehan \\n \\n \\nMore info at:http://web.stanford.edu/group/storytelling/cgi-bin/joomla/index.php/shows/season-1/103-episode-113.html'