Called by Love

Published: April 17, 2013, 10 p.m.

Callings happen—and we almost always remember them when they do. We remember the ones we said yes to that produced the most powerful shifts in us and in our lives, the ones that wouldn’t be ignored (even despite our grandest efforts), the consequences of resisting them, and the magical and sometimes deeply challenging paths we’ve travelled in response to them.  In this episode, our guest, Unity minister and mystical teacher Dr. Marj Britt, joins host Rev. Kristin in urging us to listen and follow “the call”—specifically the call of Love. She asks, “Do you know that Love, in all of its forms, is the tipping point that can shift your life ... and shift the planet?” Follow the trail of Love that calls us into healed relationships, expanded hearts, newly born connections, and an emergence from deep darkness into radiant light.